
Klotz, Richard, Joel R. Landry and Antonio M. Bento. 2023. Marginal Emissions Pathways: Drivers and Implications. Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy. [working paper] [supporting information]

Klotz, Richard and Rishi Sharma. 2022. Trade Barriers and CO2. Journal of International Economics. [working paper] Coverage: [Nature Climate Change]

Klotz, Richard and Julia Berazneva. 2022. Local Standards, Behavioral Adjustments, and Welfare: Evaluating California’s Ocean-Going Vessel Fuel Rule. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. [working paper]

Bento, Antonio M., Richard Klotz and Joel R. Landry. 2015. Are there Carbon Savings from US Biofuel Policies? The Critical Importance of Accounting for Leakage in Land and Fuel Markets. Energy Journal. [pdf] [supporting information]

Bento, Antonio M. and Richard Klotz. 2014. Climate Policy Decisions Require Policy-Based Lifecycle Analysis. Environmental Science and Technology. [pdf] [supporting information]

Working Papers

Klotz, Richard and Julia Berazneva. Correlated Pollutants, Avoidance and Local Environmental Policy. [pdf] Under Review

Klotz, Richard and Rishi Sharma. Global Value Chains Drive Disparities in the Health Consequences of Shipping. [draft available upon request]

Works in Progress

Klotz, Richard and Rishi Sharma. Distributional Impacts of Global Standards

Other Scholarly Work

Klotz, Richard. Regulating Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Sectors Exempt from Climate Policy. [pdf] Updated January 2016.

Klotz, Richard. Mitigation Costs in US Agriculture under Climate Change.

Klotz, Richard, Antonio M. Bento, Ram Gurung, Stephen Ogle, Keith Paustian and John Sheehan. 2015. Evaluating Policy Options for Reducing N2O Emissions from US Agriculture.